Dickson Medical Consulting is a client and family centred general medical practice, currently offering virtual services.
(Dr Lindy Dickson is redeeming a temporary leave of absence from clinical practise, in order to complete her postgraduate medical studies)
Make a booking by utilising our online booking system: we are available virtually, 7 days a week.
We charge R150 for repeat scripts and R300 for virtual consultations.
Clients settle directly with the practise on the day of service via EFT.
We are a client and family centred general medical practice, currently practising virtually.
ABOUT DICKSON MEDICALDr. Lindy Dickson is available 7 days a week, including times during evenings and weekends, which makes healthcare more accessible to the likes of the working adult, to the child who is ill afterhours, and to patients preferring to stay at home.
The concept is currently that of a personal virtual service, conducive to an exchange of information and relationship building between people concerned about health.
The practise aims to provide an opportunity where the medical practitioner is easily accessible, in order to partner together with each person in their unique health care journey.